To find tickets for an event you can first search for an event, team, artist or venue at the top of the page. Then click the "Search" button or hit "Enter" to see the events in chronological order. To see what tickets are still available, click on "View Tickets" and select how many tickets you are looking for.
Last updated: Tue, May 19, 2020 at 9:03AM
Once you have selected an event for which you are interested in ordering tickets, at the top of the listings you will be able to select how you would like to filter tickets. You can filter by price, quantity, section, and rows.
Last updated: Tue, May 19, 2020 at 9:03AM
If your tickets have any of the designations below, it means that there are no assigned seats in your section. You are able to stand (or sometimes sit) anywhere within that section on a first-come, first-served basis.GA - General AdmissionSRO - Standing Room OnlyPit - A general admission area just in front of the stage that is also SROLawn - A general admission area, typically in the back of amphitheaters, where in most cases you can sit or standSometimes these tickets will display sections, rows and even seat numbers. These numbers are for inventory management only and do not represent a specific seat location.
Last updated: Sat, Jun 01, 2024 at 9:13AM
"Zone Seating" describes tickets that the seller does not own, but is offering to procure for you. Once your order is confirmed, we guarantee that your tickets will be within the zone or section listed or one comparable and that you will receive these tickets in time for the event.Zone Seating listings may show a range of sections or rows. Please note, if these types of tickets are purchased we are not able to request a specific seat location from the seller. If applicable, specific seats are not assigned until delivery.
Last updated: Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 10:51AM
In order to avoid leaving a single ticket, even batches of tickets are often listed in even quantities, and odd batches of tickets are often listed in odd quantities.
Last updated: Tue, May 19, 2020 at 9:03AM
If parking or other perks are included with the tickets that are you interested in ordering, you will need to look at the listings note of the listing. Any amenities or disclaimers will be listed in those notes. All sellers are required to include any disclaimers, such as obstructed views and other important information, in the listing notes.
Last updated: Tue, May 19, 2020 at 9:03AM